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Sports Variety Day

Take your teams, limber up and……GO! RACE! JUMP! CRAWL! HOP! SKIP! SHUFFLE and SHOOT!

StarTime’s Aussie Sports Day will be an extravaganza of sporting activity with fun-filled friendly competition. The day will bring traditional sports such as soccer, cricket and netball with a twist. There will be physical challenge courses where teams will be pitting their collective skills against each other.  Strategy, communication and encouragement will be key to your teams success. Teams will create their own flags and war cry’s to inspire each other throughout the day with an awards ceremony to top things off.

Participants will:

  • Compete in teams to develop collaborative and communication skills

  • Employ collaborative problem solving skills

  • Develop winning strategies based on an iterative process in games-based activities

  • Understand competition as being a positive and fun driver for improving individual and team performance

  • Improve physical awareness and motor skills by engaging in balls sports

  • Develop bonds through sharing achievements within a team

  • Develop positive attitudes and a sense of gratitude to both winning and losing