Veescope vs Do Ink


With over 10 years experience in providing schools with green screen filmmaking programs, and resources, we suggest starting with mobile devices: They are readily available in schools and have real-time capabilities which engage students easily.

2 layers which makes it simple to use.

Layer 1 is the background

Layer 2 is the subject

Extra layering is possible but it’s more complicated to do

More sophisticated layering, with option for 3 layers

Do Ink wins this round easily being able to do exactly what Veescope does but providing a whole lot more!

Veescope: 0    Do Ink: 1

Provides the user with a lot more options to control the Key

Can adjust the exposure manually or automatically

Can adjust the white balance manually or automatically

Can adjust the focus manually or automatically


The Key is controlled mostly automatically, limited control for the user to improve the Key

Can adjust the chroma manually or automatically

Can adjust the strength manually or automatically

There is no way to adjust exposure, white balance or focus[/cs_icon_list_item] [/cs_icon_list]


Veescope: 1    Do Ink: 1

Sound? I thought this was a green screen app who cares about sound!? Well, in actual fact these apps have different sound options that could affect your filmmaking significantly.

Sound bars in top left corner when you’re using a mic so you can see instantly if it is working or not

Unable to play any sound from background layer

Sound is only played from the one recorded track


No sound bars on display to indicate if the sound is working or not

Can record sound on any layer

Can play sound on all 3 layers if you wish

I’m going to have to call this round a draw! DoInks multiple sound tracks opens up a world possibilities but for running a class and ensuring there isn’t a day of filming wasted, Veescope’s sound bars are invaluable.

Veescope: 2    Do Ink: 2

Sound? I thought this was a green screen app who cares about sound!? Well, in actual fact these apps have different sound options that could affect your filmmaking significantly.

Free version available with a Veescope logo watermark across the footage

To access the animation feature you need to purchase the additional app for $7.99

The animation app allows you to create basic 2D animations that you can then export into the green screen app and can then use in your third layer

The animation app is more suitable for the advanced user

This round has to go to Veescope, having the free version so you can see how it works for yourself before you commit cuts out any stress of making the wrong decision.

DoInks animation app is an amazing feature for more experienced students but it’s extra cost may not be worth it if you think you are starting from a more beginner level.

Veescope: 3    Do Ink: 2


Winner: Veescope    Runner up: Do Ink

Overall for entry level I think Veescope is the best option for making straight forward films such as news programs and school projects.

However, if you want to go to the next level Do Ink provides you with a lot more sophisticated options.

StarTime provide filmmaking equipment and incursions and professional development to help teachers achieve cross curricular priorities and general capabilities.